
impressum - legal stuff

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:

Mira Mahn
Holzmarktstr. 19-25
D - 10243 Berlin
UST-Nr. 14/430/61848


Telefon: +49-30-9876543

Urheberrechtliche Hinweise:

Design & Programmierung: Claudia Barthoi (
Fotografie: Sarah Staiger (
Design & Programmierung Tourdates: Jamel Nickel
Icons: Icons8.


All contents of the website including layout, design and images are copyrighted. Any copying is illegal and will be prosecuted by law. All persons mentioned on this website strongly object any use and circulation of their addresses for commercial purposes (§ 28 of the German Federal Law on the Protection of Privacy).Public use of the content is only permitted after obtaining the author's written consent. Full responsible author for the content of the site is Mira Mahn, 10243 Berlin, info [ät] This website contains links to external information providers and the owner of this site has no influence on the content and the design of these external pages or any links contained therein and does not assume any liability for them. The whole responsibility is with the respective provider and does not reflect the opinion of the author.


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Peace, yo!